Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Leseliste SARS-CoV-2 September 2021

1) Eine Erklärung für die Weitergabe des Virus  durch Geimpfte findet sich auf tkp.at.

 "Die Hauptabwehr eines Atemwegsvirus findet in den Schleimhäuten der Atemwege statt, und der hohe Anteil der Menschen mit einem gewissen Grad an natürlicher Immunität wehrt SARS-CoV-2 dort ab und verhindert, dass es sich in inneren Organen und im Blutkreislauf signifikant vermehrt. Daher ist es eigentlich nicht verwunderlich, dass ein Impfstoff, der vor allem im Kreislaufsystem wirkt, nur wenig dazu beiträgt, eine Infektion zu stoppen, die als Atemwegsinfektion"

Mehr auf tkp.at.

transmission electron microscope image
of SARS-CoV-2 by the NIAID
CC BY 2.0
Original file on flickr

2) Israel August 15 2021, looks like waning efficacy of the vaccine against delta and maybe even possible cases of ADE.

Source: SCIENCE magazine (USA)
"What is clear is that “breakthrough” cases are not the rare events the term implies. As of 15 August, 514 Israelis were hospitalized with severe or critical COVID-19, a 31% increase from just 4 days earlier. Of the 514, 59% were fully vaccinated. Of the vaccinated, 87% were 60 or older. “There are so many breakthrough infections that they dominate and most of the hospitalized patients are actually vaccinated,”..."

Read it all here:

3) Swiss Policy Research has come to an interesting conclusion after analysis of recent Isreali data:

"In sum, one may conclude that
protection provided by covid vaccines is quite similar to protection provided by influenza vaccines, which typically reaches about 20% to 70%; is quite short-lived (even within a flu season); is generally lower in senior citizens; and usually can’t prevent transmission."

Here's the link to this very informative article by SPR:

 Covid Vaccines: A Shot in the Dark?


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