Tuesday, May 4, 2021

5 European kids dead after COVID vaccination, reports say


Up to now, there has never been a culture on this planet, that has risked the lives of their children to maybe save some of their elderly. But now it has arrived with the push for Covid-vaccination of children.

3 children/teenagers died in Europe (nonEU) shortly after being covid vaxxed, Report24.news reports.  Bear in mind the mass vaxxing of kids hasn't even started yet.  You can read and  download the case files at the bottom of the article. The case files, taken from the database of the European Medical Agency (EMA), are in English, the article itself is in German, though. 

Here is the shocking report by Austrian news site Report24.news, published May 3 2021:

Drei weitere tote Kinder und Jugendliche nach Covid-Impfung

(3 more dead children and teenagers after Covid vaccination)

The title says "more" because in an article published on April 20 2021 it was reported that 2 kids had died and several others had suffered severe side-effects.

So in total 5 kids have died so far after getting a Covid vaccine. 

Again you can download all the case files, the  so-called "individual case safety forms", from report24.news site and see for yourself.

I will update this article if factcheckers (REUTERS, AFP, or any other) make statements pertaining to this Report24.news article. My guesstimate is, that they won't.

I personally have urged CNN and The New York Times on facebook to factcheck this on May 4 2021. They have the resources to do so.

On-topic: The other side of the 95% efficacy story

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UPDATE: https://bit.ly/faktencheck1



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