Friday, June 11, 2021

4 Teenagers, 2 Toddlers dead after vaccinations

Here are some reports of young people, who died after getting the COVID vaccine. Factcheckers are welcome to factcheck the linked reports.  I will add the reports by factcheckers here.  

A 15-year-old girl from New Hampshire died from cardiac arrest on April 5th 2021. She was given a dose of the Moderna vaccine around four days prior to her death.

A 17-year-old girl from Wisconsin and received her her first or second  Pfizer / BioNTech mRNA jab on the 2nd of April 2021. She sadly died on April 10 2021.

Read The Daily Expose report here:

Two teenage girls suffer Cardiac Arrest and sadly Die within days of having mRNA Covid Vaccine  

A 15-year-old boy from Colorado died of a heart attack only two days after taking the Pfizer shot, Fort Fairfield Journal reported. This report also deals with the death of two 2-year-old toddlers after vaccinations.

Two Toddlers, One Teen Now Dead After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’

In Wisconsin another 16-year-old girl died on March 30, 2021 after developing blood clots after her 2nd vaccination.

The VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) data sheet states cardic arrest/heart attack after bilateral large pulmonary embolism, which was confirmed by imaging,  as reason for her death. 

 A 17-year-old teenager, a healthy competitive basketball player from Corner Canyon (Utah) developed three blood clots, two of which inside his brain, after receiving his first shot of an unnamed COVID vaccine, according to a report by ABC 4 news.  The blood clots were confirmed by CT-scan. 

Click on the link below to watch the video:


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There's is also a report by FOX13now/Salt Lake City:

Utah teen hospitalized with blood clots in 

What many post-vaccination deaths and injuries
(severe side-effects) seem to boil down to is 
blood clotting / thrombosis.
This was also communicated to the European Medial Agency, the European FDA, in a letter by physicians and scientists on April 24, 2021.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Delta Escape (deutsch)

Antikörper, die nach Impfung mit dem  Pfizer/Biontech Impfstoff gebildet werden, wirken, laut unten verlinkter Studie, schlechter  gegen die Delta Variante, verglichen mit der Wirksamkeit gegen die britische Variante. Da wird die aktuelle Impfkampgne nicht so viel nützen gegen die Delta Variante.

"Sera from convalescent patients collected up to 12 months post symptoms and from Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine recipients were 3 to 6 fold less potent against B.1.617.2 (Anm. Delta Variante), relative to B.1.1.7.(Anm. Britische Variante)...Thus, B.1.617.2 spread is associated with an escape to antibodies targeting non-RBD and RBD Spike epitopes."

Hier der Link zur noch nicht publizierten Studie der französischen Forschergruppe. Die zelluläre Immunantwort wurde bei dieser Studie nicht untersucht.

"Reduced sensitivity of infectious SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.617.2 to monoclonal antibodies and sera from convalescent and vaccinated individuals"